Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 07:50:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Atanu Garai
Dear Sir,
The management of CDs depends on various factors.I have seen many
libraries having a completely different management system for optical
discs.Usually these are stored in seprate protective cases. Intially
these CDs are catalogued on simple computer produced print catalogues as
their numbers are limited. Still many libraries which have introduced
optical disc based services ie reference,document delivery etc and have
CD acquiring program have not been implementing any complete document
management system for the acquired CDs.
Ususally automated bibliogarphic management systems should have the
capabilities of capturing the metadata elements unique for CDs.But mnay
such systems has not been developed with approprite searching conditions
typical for CDs.
In situations such as this, computer printed catalogue is usually chosen
as effective if the number of CDs available in the library is limited.
This is effective because if the number of CDs are within 500! , the
total page of the print cataloge is limited enough to be easily xeroxed
and circulated to the individual clientle.
It is the common practice of our libraies to tear off the accompanying
maaterials from the original documents and supply the clients when demand
for the same arises. In such cases appropriate instructions should be
provided to the users on the availability of such materials and the
ordering instruction of the same.
But it is recommended that such optical discs(and even magnetic discs
such floppies) should be detached off and preserved in separate location
for their appropriate maintenance. Various standards are avialbale for
thier rightful maintenance as brought out by national and international
organizations including ISO,BIS,IFLA,ICA,UNESCO to name a few.To maintain
thier recommendartions it is important to shelve them in different
storage conditions than print media.This also arises the problems of the
management of the same.
In any case, it can be suggested for accessioning CDs, a note on the
availability of such materials shall be noted in the appropriate register
and if possible, a separate register should be maintained.
Hope this helps.
Atanu Garai
Atanu Garai
MLIS Student 2001-03
Department of Library and Information Science
University of Calcutta
College St.Campus
Kolkata 700 073
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