Sir/Madam, Very soon the Paschim Banga Granthagar Samiti is going to publish the second issue of its annual magazine "Granthendriya". For the second issue of the magazine, the association is calling for papers on library science from library science students, library professionals and library science teachers. The mandatory rules for sending papers are- 1) Paper/Article can be sent in Bengali or English language. 2) The Paper should be between 1 to 1½ pages. 3) Correct spelling should be used in writing. 4) A brief introduction of the author/writer must be sent along with the submission. 5) Paper can be sent in .doc format or typed in email body. 6) Last date of Submission : 30th August, 2023. 7) Email for send : Thanking You, Swapan Mukhopadhyay, Editor