From: Prof. Siddamallaiah HS
Sent: 15 November 2018 23:16
Dear friends,
Libraries are still in First-Generation Library Technologies such as Library automation and many other technologies which are around traditional library environment.
The Library Technologies are really well advanced and getting integrated campus activities like e-learning, virtual learning environment. In the health science institution it getting integrated to point-of-care, bedside assistance. Which needs a very strong forum.
In fact, Library Technology Conclave held since two years, have a good learning experience.
This year Library Technology Conclav LTC2019 will focus is on current and emerging technologies and their implementation. The vision is to enable libraries to reimagine and re-position in the digital space as an integral part of the learning and research eco-system.
Experts (Resource persons) are drawn from academic and Corporate sectors, I.e., USA, UK and New Zealand. The program is follows:
Pre-Conclave Workshops:
1. E-Learning Basics
2. Koha + CORAL (e-resource management software)
3. Folio (Open Source eResource Management System)
Technical Sessions:
1. eLearning Tools, Platforms and Technologies
2. Content Development for eLearning
3. Technology Empowered Libraries: Case Study Presentations
4. Integration of Digital Libraries and Learning Management
5. Spark: Delegate’s Session (For ideas triggered during the event)
6. Round Table: Learning & Libraries: Digital Convergence
I hope professional colleagues participate in this and build strong LTC community and service in Library Technology. It helps young librarians to build a better career
See you all at Cochin
Dr. H. S. Siddamallaiah