---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Courseware of One day intensive basic Linux training
From: "Vimal Kumar V."
Date: Tue, August 30, 2016 10:17 am
To: "lis-forum"
Dear Friends,
Kerala Library Association - Kottayam Region has organised a one day
Intensive Basic Linux Training at BCM College, Kottayam on 27 August 2016.
I would like to share the courseware with library professionals who would
like to learn Linux.
Vimal Kumar V.
Technical Assistant
Mahatma Gandhi University Library
Kottayam, Kerala- 686 560
Web: http://www.vimalkumar.info
Blogs: http://linuxhalwa.blogspot.com http://kohageek.blogspot.in
http://moovandan.blogspot.in http://moovandan.blogspot.in
"I forget what I was taught. I only remember what I have learnt"
-Patrick White