Here is (strange) request to librarians in Sociology, public libraries etc. Can you please visit the above link, download the poster and display it in yourLibrary Notice Board? Whatever else you can do to publicize "World Elder Abuse Awareness Day" among clientele of your library would be most appreciated. Thanks -- Dr P Vyasamoorthy, SENIORS (Society for Enriched Information of Relevance to Seniors), 30, Gruhalakshmi Colony, Secunderabad 500018 Phone 27846631 -- Dr P Vyasamoorthy, SENIORS (Society for Enriched Information of Relevance to Seniors), 30, Gruhalakshmi Colony, Secunderabad 500018 Phone 27846631 Here is (strange) request to librarians in Sociology, public libraries etc. CanĀ you please visit the above link, download the poster and display it in yourLibrary Notice Board? Whatever else you can do to publicize "World Elder Abuse Awareness Day" among clientele of your library would be most appreciated. Thanks -- Dr P Vyasamoorthy, SENIORS (Society for Enriched Information of Relevance to Seniors), 30, Gruhalakshmi Colony, Secunderabad 500018 Phone 27846631 -- Dr P Vyasamoorthy, SENIORS (Society for Enriched Information of Relevance to Seniors), 30, Gruhalakshmi Colony, Secunderabad 500018 Phone 27846631