--- In libtech@yahoogroups.com, "hbmallikarjuna"
The internet's search engine and the world's greatest research
library are joining forces to offer researchers, students and
academics desktop delivery of millions of full text scholarly
research articles.From today, searches on Google Scholar
(http://www.scholar.google.com) will include links to the British
Library's document delivery service. Search results will be matched
against the Library's holdings and where a match is made, users will
have the option to obtain articles held via the British Library's
online document ordering interface, British Library Direct
Lynne Brindley, Chief Executive of the British Library, said: "We
exist for everyone who wants to do research and we give priority to
initiatives that make our collection more easily accessible."
"By partnering with Google Scholar, the British Library will enable
users to identify and locate relevant articles more effectively than
has previously been possible. By linking results to our pay-as-you-go
service, British Library Direct, we'll provide a swift and easy means
for them to have the items they require delivered straight to their
Below each successfully matched Google Scholar result, a `BL Direct'
link will appear. Users that click on the link will be taken to an
online ordering form already populated with the bibliographic details
of the desired article enabling copyright fee-paid supply to the
Until now, online subject searches yielded many results that could
not provide researchers with access to full text. By linking Google
Scholar's search software with one of the world's largest document
supply services, users can now complete the discovery-to-desktop-
delivery process.
Particular subject strengths in the British Library's research
collections include medicine, pharmacy, engineering, science, food
and agriculture, economics, environment, law and education. Articles
that are available from the Library can be delivered direct to users'
desktops via Secure Electronic Delivery - in as little as two hours.
For further information, please contact Ben Sanderson at the British
Library Press Office (telephone +44 (0)1937 546126, email:
ben.sanderson@...), or Google media contact Nathan Tyler
(telephone: +1 650 253 4311, email: nate@...).
Notes for Editors
1. The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom.
It provides world class information services to the academic,
business, research and scientific communities and offers unparalleled
access to the world's largest and most comprehensive research
collection. The British Library's collections include 150 million
items from every era of written human history beginning with Chinese
oracle bones dating from 300 BC, right up to today's newspapers.
Further information is available on the Library's website at
2. Google Scholar enables users to search specifically for scholarly
literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints,
abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research.
Researchers, students, librarians and academics use Google Scholar to
find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers,
professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as
well as scholarly articles available across the web.
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