Dear Sir/madam Here I am pleased to inform you that the MyLISA(Mysore Library and Information Scienctist Association)in collabration with SDM_IMD conducted a 4 days workshop on "Automation of Libraries" for its memebrs from 11th to 14 th of Dec 2004.The work shop statred with the basics of computers. We learnt how to utilize the maximum of MS Word in dail library operations Eg: Creating a template of Indent form etc.Second day we learnt how to create a database using MS-Access.On 13th they taught us to develop a database using WINISIS software using MARC.And developing digital library using GSDL(green stone opensource software) and Library manager.(open source). On the fourth and last day they taught us how to select a library software and informed us about the criteria one should consider while selecting a library software.The important aspects of this workshop was the validectory function, where our honourable president Pro.Shalini R Urs gave key note address on Future technologies in Information Management.IN her speech our president mentioned that in future the LIST Serve could be a future libray , where in information can be exchanged or provided in a fraction of second.As the Kalvin Warwick a computing scientist has reightly pointed out that " The human race which has dominated the world, perhaps 10,000 years will going to see its domination come to an end".On the whole the workshop was highly rewarding to participted librarins and LIS professionals aspiring to acquire computer knowledge in the field of Library and Information science. The output was remarkable that The participant of the workshop decided to automate thier library using existing system.MR. Nagaraja Rao who is a 70 years old who's zeal for learning things inspired us to know more.Many thanks to the People of SDM-IMd Library for thier exeptional hospitality and MyLISA to conduct this workshop. Regards, Vasntha Raju N Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. Dear Sir/madam Here I am pleased to inform you that the MyLISA(Mysore Library and Information Scienctist Association)in collabration with SDM_IMD conducted a 4 days workshop on "Automation of Libraries" for its memebrs from 11th to 14 th of Dec 2004.The work shop statred with the basics of computers. We learnt how to utilize the maximum of MS Word in dail library operations Eg: Creating a template of Indent form etc.Second day we learnt how to create a database using MS-Access.On 13th they taught us to develop a database using WINISIS software using MARC.And developing digital library using GSDL(green stone opensource software) and Library manager.(open source). On the fourth and last day they taught us how to select a library software and informed us about the criteria one should consider while selecting a library software.The important aspects of this workshop was the validectory function, where our honourable president Pro.Shalini R Urs gave key note address on Future technologies in Information Management.IN her speech our president mentioned that in future the LIST Serve could be a future libray , where in information can be exchanged or provided in a fraction of second.As the Kalvin Warwick a computing scientist has reightly pointed out that " The human race which has dominated the world, perhaps 10,000 years will going to see its domination come to an end".On the whole the workshop was highly rewarding to participted librarins and LIS professionals aspiring to acquire computer knowledge in the field of Library and Information science. The output was remarkable that The participant of the workshop decided to automate thier library using existing system.MR. Nagaraja Rao who is a 70 years old who's zeal for learning things inspired us to know more.Many thanks to the People of SDM-IMd Library for thier exeptional hospitality and MyLISA to conduct this workshop. Regards, Vasntha Raju N* Yahoo! India Matrimony : Find your life partner* online .