Dear friends Wishing you, your family and all dear & near, a Happy, Prosperous, Healthy and Safe New Year 2018 In this occasion, you may like to see and relish the collection of few interesting pictures shared at https://goo.gl/2shn99 which are grouped under categories such as: Facts, Fun and Amazing, Life, Points to Ponder and Tips With regards HR Mohan Vice Chair, IEEE Madras Section Chair, Student Activities, IEEE Madras Section Chair, IEEE PCS Madras Imm Past Chair & Chair, SPl-Events, IEEE CS Madras Past President, Computer Society of India Interface to Technical Societies, ACM India Chennai Former AVP(Systems), The Hindu https://www.facebook.com/mohan.hr.524 +91 9841432179 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.