Sub: International Conference on `Emerging Technologies and Future of
Libraries: Issues and Challenges’ in Ambedkar Bhavan, Gulbarga University,
Gulbarga,January 30-31, 2015.
organizing an International Conference on the theme `Emerging Technologies
and Future of Libraries: Issues and Challenges’ in Ambedkar Bhavan,
Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, Karnataka on January 30-31, 2015 in
collaboration with RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, Ras Al
Khaimah, United Arab Emirates.
The sub-themes of the conference are
- LIS Education and Training
- Innovations and Best practices
- Information literacy and lifelong learning skills
- Digital libraries & Library 3.0/ Web 3.0
- E-Resources Management
- IPR and Copyright in technology environment
- Doctoral Studies-Current Research in LIS
- Public Librarianship
- Social responsibilities and libraries
- School and Special Librarianship
- E-learning / virtual learning
- Leadership and Human Resource Management
- Knowledge management
- Future Libraries and User Expectations
The last date for submission of Conference Paper is 5th December 2014 and
be sent to etfl2015@gmail.com
A special session on Ph.D Symposium is also organised during the
conference. Research Scholars (PhD) are invited to submit a short paper of
4-6 pages (2,000-3,000) words describing their research proposal, or
ongoing or completed researches projects and send to etfl2015@gmail.com
before 5th December 2014.
*Registration before 31st Dec. 2014*
Rs. 2500/- with accommodation
Rs. 2000/- without accommodation
*Students/Research Scholars:*
Rs. 2000/- with accommodation
Rs. 1500/- without accommodation
Registration for Foreign delegates:
US Dollar 300/- with accommodation
US Dollar 250/- without accommodation
For further details, contact
Organizing Secretary & President Karnataka State SC/ST Library
Professional Association
University Deputy Librarian,
Gulbarga University, Gulbarga-585 106
Karnataka India ,Mobile – 9902813928
Email: *etfl2015@gmail.com*