Dear Professionals, Plz. see the details of SIS-24th National Convention and Conference. ** ***Registration Fee:* * * Keeping in mind the philosophy of the partner institution i.e. the L,al Bahadur Shastri Institute of Mgmt., Delhi, SIS has consciously stipulated a nominal registration fee of Rs. 500/-. All Bank Drafts my be sent in the name of " Society for Information Science, New Delhi" Drawn in Syndicate bank before 15th Jan.2007. Contact to Dr. Ramesh Kundra Ph. 011-25843011 *Programme* * * In keeping with the above Conference will provide experts in the field as to under following four theme *1. Content **Management* - Digital Library Concepts - Digital Preservation, Manuscripts and Archiving - E-Publishing. Dublin Core and Metadata Issues - Content Management, Knowledge Management - E-learning - Institutional Repository. *2. Technology Management* * *- Technology: Planning, Development and Management - Semantic, Thesauri Generation, Ontologies, System Scalability and Interoperability, Standards - Digital Library Architecture, Networking Technology - Human Machine Interface, User Interaction and Futuristic. *3. Digital Rights Management* * *- Copyright and legal Issues - Copyright cases in India *4. Policy Development* - Digital library Policies - Indian Initiatives *PAPER SUBMISSION* * * Interested participants may send their contributions on or before *January 15th 2007** *on any topic listed above. *CONFERENCE DIRECTOR* * * *Dr. R.L. Raina, *Director, Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Shastri Sadan, Sector 3, R.K.Puram, New Delhi 110022 *Key Speakers *include the following: Dr. Jagdish Arora (lIT, New Delhi); Dr. Ramesh C.Gaur (IGNCA, New Delhi); Dr. Ravinder Chadha (Parliament, New Delhi ), Dr. Inder Vir Malhan (Jammu University); Mr. Shantanu Ganguly (IIM Lucknow); and Dr. Sangeeta Kaul (Delnet, New Delhi). *Participants would include:* Library and Information Science Professionals; Information Technology Professionals; Knowledge Workers; Policy Makers; Educationists; Archivists; Content and Knowledge Managers; IT Service Providers; Information Providers and Vendors; Museologists; Electronic Publishing etc. -- Rajesh Kr. Bhardwaj Assistant Librarian, Delhi College of Engineering, Bawana Road- Delhi 110042 M-9213567224, Off-011-27871018- Ext- 2203 and Dear Professionals, Plz. see the details of SIS-24th National Convention and Conference. Registration Fee: Keeping in mind the philosophy of the partner institution i.e. the L,al Bahadur Shastri Institute of Mgmt., Delhi, SIS has consciously stipulated a nominal registration fee of Rs. 500/-. All Bank Drafts my be sent in the name of " Society for Information Science, New Delhi " Drawn in Syndicate bank before 15 th Jan.2007. Contact to Dr. Ramesh Kundra Ph. 011-25843011 Programme In keeping with the above Conference will provide experts in the field as to under following four theme 1. Content Management - Digital Library Concepts - Digital Preservation, Manuscripts and Archiving - E-Publishing. Dublin Core and Metadata Issues - Content Management, Knowledge Management - E-learning - Institutional Repository. 2. Technology Management - Technology: Planning, Development and Management - Semantic, Thesauri Generation, Ontologies, System Scalability and Interoperability, Standards - Digital Library Architecture, Networking Technology - Human Machine Interface, User Interaction and Futuristic. 3. Digital Rights Management - Copyright and legal Issues - Copyright cases in India 4. Policy Development - Digital library Policies - Indian Initiatives PAPER SUBMISSION Interested participants may send their contributions on or before January 15th 2007 on any topic listed above. CONFERENCE DIRECTOR Dr. R.L. Raina, Director, Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Shastri Sadan, Sector 3, R.K.Puram, New Delhi 110022 Key Speakers include the following: Dr. Jagdish Arora (lIT, New Delhi ); Dr. Ramesh C.Gaur (IGNCA, New Delhi ); Dr. Ravinder Chadha (Parliament, New Delhi ), Dr. Inder Vir Malhan ( Jammu University ); Mr. Shantanu Ganguly (IIM Lucknow); and Dr. Sangeeta Kaul (Delnet, New Delhi ). Participants would include: Library and Information Science Professionals; Information Technology Professionals; Knowledge Workers; Policy Makers; Educationists; Archivists; Content and Knowledge Managers; IT Service Providers; Information Providers and Vendors; Museologists; Electronic Publishing etc. -- Rajesh Kr. Bhardwaj Assistant Librarian, Delhi College of Engineering, Bawana Road- Delhi 110042 M-9213567224, Off-011-27871018- Ext- 2203 and