College Librarians' Association, Kerala (KCLA) in Collaboration with Nehru Arts and Science College Kanhangad organising a 3 day national conference on May 23-25, 2024. We cordially invite interested people and organizations to contribute towards the enrichment of knowledge in the field of library and Information science by sharing their original research articles for the upcoming KCLA conference . The major theme of the conference is to portray the new trends in libraries and the librarianship domain. By understanding the current trends, the future of libraries can be made brighter. Conference Publication All papers submitted will be subject to a peer review process with plagiarism checking using Turnitin. The accepted papers will be published in the Conference Volume with ISBN. Author Guidelines All original research articles should be structured in the following manner ● Papers must be written in standard English ● Text files should be prepared in Open office/MS Word format ● All text should be double spaced with at least 1 cm margin all sides ● Font should be Arial, 12 point, ● References as per APA style. Sub Themes: AI Tools and Library Applications Library Technology - Post Covid Social media and libraries Library Interoperability Tools Cloud Computing, Drones, Robotics in libraries Mobile Libraries, Green Libraries Digital Library, Virtual Library, Evolving Digital Environment: Challenges and Solutions Skills and competencies for library professionals Leadership in Libraries : Best practices SDGs, NEP and Academic Libraries Consortium models and library networks Online Library Services Library services for differently abled Resource Sharing and ROI in libraries User centric Innovative services ERM, OER, E-Book Subscription models Open Access and Libraries Inter Library Access contracts Open Publishing, Open Archiving Open Journal Systems, Research Trends in LIS Self publishing Creative Commons Copyright and IPR Plagiarism and Ethics Important Dates: Paper Submission by May 12 2024 Email for communication : kclacon2024@gmail.com -- Manoj Kumar P MLIS, PGDLIM, MBA UGC Librarian Nehru arts and science college Kanhangad http://nasc.ac.in Mob:9895266543