Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 05:28:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Anila Fadnavis
Dear All,
yes what you say is right. Mostly in companies the library expenditure
was/is shown for tax benefits, like social welfare of employees. Hence
basics of libraries are not thought over and just some budget to purchase
books & Magazines(not Journals) and some place with tables and chairs is
provided. In the course of time the librarian and library is absorbed in
some form in company except library. may be publication department or
so.and librarian is posted somewhere in the company or fired. It is all
oweners' wish and any CEO who has interest in Library & books. Librarians
are not even middle managers who are in the companies main stream of flow
of information.
anila fadnavis
--- On Wed, 12/3/08, Mailing List Admin wrote:
From: Mailing List Admin
Subject: Re: [LIS-Forum] Training for corporate librarianship
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 10:53 AM
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 20:17:49 +0530
From: atanu garai
Dear Professors,
I am very glad to interact with you all again, as I always look for
opportunities to ask questions to teachers. Let me be very honest here. I
will of course agree to what is said regarding the imminent need for
improving the quality of intake and output of LIS incumbents. There is no
doubt about it. But, this is just one side of the coin.