Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 16:59:09 +0530 (IST) From: mmslib@udct.org Sir, We are hunting for the following references. Would it be possible for you to help us correspond with library which possesses these Thanks a lot!! -- Title: Developments in the procedure for numerical computation of multi-phase-flow phenomena with inter-phase slip, unequal temperatures, et cetera Authors: Spalding, D. B. Affiliation: Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, London (England). Journal: In Von Karman Inst. for Fluid Dyn. Numerical Computation of Multi-Phase Flows p 263-284 (SEE N83-12365 03-34) Publication Date: 00/1981 Category: Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Origin: STI NASA/STI Keywords: HEAT TRANSFER, MASS TRANSFER, MULTIPHASE FLOW, SLIP FLOW, ALGORITHMS, PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION, TURBULENT MIXING Bibliographic Code: 1981ncmp.vkif..263S Title: Numerical computation of multi-phase fluid flow and heat transfer Authors: Spalding, D. B. Affiliation: AA(Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.; Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, England) Journal: In: Recent advances in numerical methods in fluids. Volume 1. (A80-44908 19-34) Swansea, Pineridge Press, Ltd., 1980, p. 139-167. Publication Date: 00/1980 Category: Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer Origin: STI NASA/STI Keywords: COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS, FINITE DIFFERENCE THEORY, HEAT TRANSFER, ITERATIVE SOLUTION, MOMENTUM TRANSFER, MULTIPHASE FLOW, ALGORITHMS, CONVERGENCE, ENTHALPY, MASS TRANSFER, PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION, SINGLE-PHASE FLOW, VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION Bibliographic Code: 1980ranm....1..139S Shantha Venkatesan. Senior Librarian Prof.M.M.Sharma Library Nathalal Parikh Marg, U.I.C.T.Matunga (East) Mumbai400 019 e-mail: mmslib@udct.org