Dear professional friends,


A Report / Summary of the proceedings of the UGC Sponsored National Level Conference held on January 18-19, 2010 at St. Agnes college (Autonomous) Mangalore-575 002, Karnataka.


            The UGC Sponsored National Level Conference was held on January 18-19, 2010 at St. Agnes College (Autonomous) Mangalore. The main theme was ‘Empowering Library Professionals in Managing Digital Resources and Providing Extension Activities’. There were four sub-themes of the conference i.e.


  1. Collection development through open access initiatives: the role of the librarian.
  2. Institutional repositories: empowering library professionals in developing digital resources.
  3. Management of digital collection: empowering library professionals.
  4. Libraries outreach activities / extension activities through print and electronic collection.


Inaugural Programme on 18January,2010 at 10 am.


            Dr. B. K. Vishala, Selection Grade Librarian, St. Agnes College (Autonomous) Mangalore and the Convenor / Organising Secretary of the conference welcomed the delegates, invitees and the gathering. Dr. Khaisar M Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Mangalore University and the conference Director gave a brief summary on the main theme of the conference i.e. Empowering Library Professionals in Managing Digital Resources and Providing Extension Activities’. He also highlighted the importance and relevance of the theme in this digital era. Further, he spoke on the importance of the digitization and networking of libraries and information services at libraries in the college level.


The commissioner of the Department of Collegiate Education    Dr N Nagambika Devi inaugurated the conference at 10.30 a m. In her inaugural address she stated that department is contemplating to provide Library software developed by National Informatics Centre to all the colleges including aided colleges free of cost. Further, she also said that the persistent complaints that colleges bring to the notice of the department is that of shortage of hands to handle libraries. She stressed for the need of ‘Adoption of Library Software as imperative and necessary to over come shortage of staff’. Again she was of the opinion that the software will also make functioning in the library much smoother and easier and that training will be given to the librarians in usage of the software at the earliest. Along with this Dr NagambikaDevi also suggested that colleges should involve students in library by making a group of students work in the library. “This exercise will not only help colleges overcome shortage of hands but will also bring students closer to books and library she added.

            While speaking about the importance of books in the lives of the students, the commissioner said that library supports initiation of learning and with innovation and advancement in technology, lots of changes have happened, which demand library to go for networking. It has also made interactive learning imperative.


            Dr G K Manjunath, Chief Librarian, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, delivered the keynote address. He said that Library is a ‘treasure house of knowledge’ and it is democratic in nature as the knowledge stored in the library can be accessed by anyone irrespective of caste, creed, colour and class. He noted that ‘Information is considered as the fifth need of human beings after food, clothe, shelter and water. However advent of internet has brought sea change in access of information and in the nature of information seekers. This has led to digital library, and added that everyone at the virtual space is free to seek and share ideas.

            He opined that research papers funded by public sponsors are not available on the internet but these papers are published in expensive journals due to which most colleges cannot afford to subscribe these journals. He said that seamless and free access to research paper is a must for enhancing knowledge of students.

            The Managing Editor of Taranga – a Kannada Weekly magazine, Smt. Sandhya S Pai was the guest of honour. In her address she spoke on the importance of reading and the role of books in building personality right from the school education to college and university education. She highlighted the importance of library professionals and librarian in personal, educational and professional growth of an individual. On this occasion, Smt. Sandhya S Pai also released the volume of the Conference Proceedings edited by Dr. Khaisar M. Khan, Mangalore University, Dr. Gopakumar V., Goa University and Dr. B.K.Vishala, St. Agnes College Library.


            St. Agnes College Principal Dr. Sr. Marie Prem D’Souza presided over the function. Dr Devi Prabha, Senior Lecturer, Department of Commerce, proposed the vote of thanks. Prof. Malini Hebbar , H.O.D of English department was the Master of ceremony.


            There were one hundred and thirty-five delegates for the conference coming in particular from Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka besides a few from other states.


            The technical sessions were held on 18th and 19th January 2010. Expert lectures by eminent resource persons were also organized. The well known experts in their areas of specialization gave lectures and also chaired the respective technical sessions.


Day one:   18th January 2010




Chairman: Dr. K. Manjunath,                                  Rapporteur : Dr. Gopakumar V.

                  Chief Librarian, IGIDR,                        Librarian, Goa University

                  Mumbai                                                Goa


Dr.Majula B.C., Professor of Economics Dept. introduced the resource person.


A)  The sub theme: Institutional Repositories: Empowering Library Professionals in Developing Digital Resources.


In the second session, 5 papers were presented out of the total 8 papers contributed on the above sub theme.



Chairman: Dr. M.G. Sreekumar,                 Rapporteur : Dr. B. U. Kannappanavara

                  Chief Librarian, IIM,                 Deputy Librarian,

                  Kozikode, Kerala                    Kuvempu University Library

                                                                  Shankaraghatta, Shimoga


Dr.Prema Anand , Lecturer, Dept.of Psychology, introduced the resource person.


The sub theme: Libraries outreach activities / extension activities through print and

 electronic collection.


In the second session, of the conference there were 5 papers received and however, 4 papers were presented by the participants on the above sub theme.


Day Two: 19th January 2010




Chairman: Dr. Devika Madalli,              Rapporteur :Ms.Shylarani B

                  Associate Professor,                              Selection Grade Librarian

                  DRTC,ISI Bangalore                           Govt.I-Grade College, Mangalore


Dr.Nancy Vaz, Department of Secretarial Practice introduced the resource person.


C)    The sub theme: Management of digital collection: empowering library   professionals.


On the above sub theme on the day two there were as many as 17 papers contributed. However 11 papers were presented by the participants.



Chairman: Dr. Harinarayana N S,      Rapporteur:Dr.Ningappan. Arabagonda

                  Associate Professor,                                      Senior Scale Librarian

                  Dept. of Lib & Info Sc                       Govt. I-Grade College

                  University of Mysore.                                    Baydgi-581106


Dr.S.T.Sudha, Chief Librarian of St.Agnes College introduced the resource person.


      D)  The sub theme: Collection development through open access initiatives- the role of the librarian.


            There were as many as 14 papers contributed on the above theme. However, 13 papers were presented. In the first session 8 papers were presented followed by 5 presentations in the 2nd session.


Panel Discussion


On the second and final day of the conference that is on 19 January 2010 followed by the technical session’s, Panel discussion was organized on the theme ‘Are existing policies on loss of books in the Library applicable for the present scenario?’

The panel consisted of following experts


1. Prof. A. K. Baradol

    Professor and Chairman,

    Dept. of Lib & Info Sc.

    Mangalore University.


2. Dr. M. K. Bhandi

    University Librarian,

    Mangalore University Library.


3. Dr. Konnur P.V

    University Librarian

    Bangalore University Library.


4. Mr. Kadadevar Mutt

    Selection Grade Librarian,

    Siddaganga College



5. Mr. Dheeraj S M

    Selection Grade Librarian,

    Dhavala College Moodbidri.


Prof A. K. Baradol, initiated the discussion and chaired this session.


After the productive discussion the chairman of the session Prof. A.K. Baradol passed a resolution overwhelmingly and anonymously stating that ‘10 books are to be written off from every 1000 books circulated irrespective of the cost of the books’. Finally, it was decided to send the resolution to the concerned authorities for its implementation and the needful. Prof. Elsie Cherian, from the department of psychology, St. Agnes College thanked all the experts and members of the panel discussion for the expert contribution and participating in the discussion.


Cultural Programme: A cultural programme was offered by the students of St.Agnes College from 5.30 to 7.30pm to the delegates. Dances of several states were presented and the students of Govinda Dasa College performed ‘Yakshagana’ the folk art of Dakshina Kannada. Dinner was provided at 7.30 pm.


Valedictory function on 19th January 2010  at 4.30 pm.


The valedictory function was held in the end. Prof. Elsie Cherian, from the department of psychology, St. Agnes College welcomed the gathering. Mr. Sanjay Grover, General Manager Informatics India, Pvt.Ltd Bangalore was the chief guest and Mr. Ullas M Managing Director EASYLIB Software Pvt. Ltd Bangalore was the guest of Honor. St. Agnes College Principal Sr. Dr. Marie Prem D’Souza presided over the function. Dr. Khaisar M Khan conference director and Dr. Vishala B. K the convener and the organizing secretary shared the Dias.


Dr. Gopakumar, University Librarian, Goa University presented the report of the proceedings of the two day conference. A few participants expressed their two days experience in the conference. They lauded the efforts made by the organizers in particular the convener and the organizing secretary for their accommodation food and transportation facilities and services. They expressed their extreme happiness and acknowledged the high quality lectures, presentations of the resource persons and the technical sessions. They opined that the conference provided them with good intellectual treat and enlightened them with the latest and current trends in managing digital resources and library extension activities.


Mr. Sanjay Grover, General Manager Informatics India, Pvt. Ltd Bangalore presented an account of managing digital resources and empowering library professionals and the challenging role of information professionals in the fast and continuous technological innovations and changes taking place in the 21st century. Mr. Ullas M Managing Director EASYLIB Software Pvt. Ltd Bangalore stressed on the role of software’s R & D in software’s and the competitions and compatibilities in developing software’s for librarians and information professionals to cope up with the staggering growth and sharing of data,  information and knowledge. Dr. Khaisar M Khan conference director expressed his experiences about the similar conferences and lauded the efforts made by the organizers, the support and encouragement given by the principal St. Agnes College to librarians in general and the library professionals of St. Agnes college library. Dr. Vishala B. K the convener and the organizing secretary presented her experiences in organizing the two day national level UGC sponsored conference and acknowledged the support, encouragement and inspiration derived from the college management, the principal, her colleagues and the fellow professionals for the success of the conference. She also profusely thanked all the participants and authorities for their support and cooperation. St. Agnes College Principal Dr. Sr. Marie Prem D’Souza presided over the function and stated that she always stood for the librarians and library professionals. She also showered her love and affection on the efforts of Dr. Vishala B. K the convener and the organizing secretary.


Dr. Vishala B. K also proposed a formal vote of thanks to the guests of the valedictory function to all the participants on behalf of the organizer of two day UGC sponsored national level conference.




Thank you to the delegates for making this conference a memorable one.


             Dr. Vishala B. K
             Convener and Organizing Secretary,
          UGC Sponsored National Level Conference

            Selection Grade Librarian,

            St. Agnes College (Autonomous)

            Mangalore, Dakshina Kannada

            Phone No. 9448824505




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