Dear Sir/Madam, Glad to inform u that recently Dept of LISc, University of Mysore, has conducted on line test to its students. really a good effort towards modernising LIS education. One of the student was able to attend the test via Internet sitting in his hometown.Such kind of an effort really helps to learn more about cutting-edge technologies and its implications in LISC. A good approach we all benefited lot from this. we hope that such kinds of efforts will continue and helps to compete in the global village. thanks to the chairperson and all the faculty of Dept of LIS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Kowledge is productive only when it is applied to make a difference" -Peter Drucker Shashi Kumar A.A. Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. Dear Sir/Madam, Glad to inform u that recently Dept of LISc, University of Mysore, has conducted on line test to its students. really a good effort towards modernising LIS education. One of the student was able to attend the test via Internet sitting in his hometown.Such kind of an effort really helps to learn more about cutting-edge technologies and its implications in LISC. A good approach we all benefited lot from this. we hope that such kinds of efforts will continue and helps to compete in the global village. thanks to the chairperson and all the faculty of Dept of LIS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Kowledge is productive only when it is applied to make a difference" -Peter Drucker Shashi Kumar A.A. http://in.rd.yahoo.com/specials/mailtg/*http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matrim... Yahoo! India Matrimony : Find your life partner http://in.rd.yahoo.com/specials/mailtg2/*http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matri... online .