Dear all, SNDT Women’s University Library is organising STATE LEVEL CONFERENCE on "Academic Libraries in Electronic Era (ALEE2012) : Electronic Resource Development and Access" on 17th and 18th January 2012 at SNDT Women’s University Library, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020. *IMPORTANT DATES:* Paper and Abstract Submission : 30th November 2011 Conference : 17th and 18th January 2012 Acceptance Notification : 12th December 2011 Registration Deadline : 30th December 2011 Sub-themes of the conference *Scholarly Communication Processes in academic Libraries* - E-Library Resources in electronic environment - Open Access E-Resources - Digital Preservation, Digitization projects *E- Resources : Collection Development: Technology, Infrastructure, Policies * - Resource Acquisition and Consortia formulation - Institutional Repositories, electronic theses and dissertations *Library Services in electronic environment: Best practices, innovations, eco-friendly Libraries* - Information Literacy - University–College Libraries : Linkages and alliances for e resource management - Use of Social media in academic libraries, web 2.0 tools and their use in academic libraries * Usage and User Studies* - Usage and statistics of e-resources - Copyright and IPR issues - Marketing and Promotion of E Resources *Call for Papers* : Original contributions based on applications / research / surveys / practices related to the theme are invited for presentations and poster presentations. All papers should be submitted through email only. Email address to send the papers is alee@gmail.com Guidelines for the Contributors: All papers will be evaluated by a team of experts. Each contributor is required/requested to submit double spaced copy of the full paper (Not exceeding 2000 words –through e mail) and an abstract (Not exceeding200 words) in MS WORD (2007)format in English in Times New Roman. Contributors are requested to use 12 type font in A4 size set up with one inch margin all around for consistency. References should be given in APA format. Final paper submission must accompany a certificate by the author(s) that the paper is an original piece of work and has neither been published * * *REGISTRATION FEE: * Rs.1200/- will include • Conference kit • CD of papers submitted • Conference Lunch & High Tea For students and retired librarians : Fee Rs. 800/- It will not be possible to provide accommodation of any type. But accommodation may be chosen from a wide range of hotels/hostels the details of which will be provided with the intimation of acceptance of paper. * * *TIME:*10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. VENUE: S.N.D.T. Women’s University, Churchgate, Mumbai – 400 020 *For further information, please contact * *Dr. Sushama Powdwal, * *Organizing Secretary* *University Librarian & Head,* *SHPT School of Library Science* *SNDT Women’s University, * *1,Nathibai Thakersey Road,* *Mumbai 400 020* *Tel. 22085439 , (M) 9223450056* * 22072792* * Email sushama_juhu@rediffmail.com* * spowdwal@gmail.com* -- Ajay M. Kamble Librarian Annasaheb Vartak Arts, Commerce, Science College, Vasai Road (W), Dist. Thane - 401202 www.mlsc.co.nr www.ajaykamble.co.nr -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.