From: Dr. Chennupati K. Ramaiah
Subject: Request for your contribution to Dr. A.L. Moorthy Feschrift Volume
Date: Sunday, 1 April, 2012, 19:49
A.L. Moorthy Feschrift Committee
of Library and Information Science,
R.V. Nagar, Kalapet,
– 605 014. INDIA.
Date: 01.04.2012
Dear Sir/Madam,
Dr. AL Moorhty is the best information scientist in the
country who had 30+ years research, administration, editing, and vast library
professional experience. His contributions to LIS profession particularly to
S&T Information centres are tremendous.
He worked for
several S&T organizations including the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Srihari
Kota, ISRO, Defence Electronics Research Laboratory (DLRL), Hyderabad and presently working as Director, DESIDOC,
Delhi (DRDO). At DESIDOC, he introduced many new services and innovative
techniques for optimal utilization of information resources. He established a
digital library and enhanced digital content. He has created web-based and
project oriented information services to all R&D scientists of DRDO through
its intranet. He has guided the development of Library Automation Software,
Database of Library Holdings and Union Catalogue of Periodical Holdings. He
improved the quality, coverage, content and timely publication of periodicals
both as Editor for a decade and currently as Editor-in-Chief. He was
instrumental in starting new publications like Technology Focus, DRDO
Monographs & Special Publications. He has initiated and realized DRDO
Consortium for providing online access of over 450 R&D Journals to all DRDO
Labs. He is now spearheading the establishment of Knowledge Repository of DRDO
Technical Reports and Institutional Repository.
Dr Moorthy
is a Life Member of several national professional associations and also member
of many international associations. He has published about 45 papers and edited
over 30 Books/Conference Proceedings. He was Guest Editor of ILA Newsletter and
AGLIS Journal for a few years. He is on the Editorial Board of many
professional journals. He has received DRDO’s Best Popular Science
Communication Award -2010, SR Ranganathan-Kaula Award-2009, SIS Fellowship-2009,
ILA-Kaula Best Librarian Award-2008, and ILA-CD Sharma Best Paper Award 2008.
He is examiner of PhD theses of many universities and also member of Board of
Studies in the LIS of couple of Universities.
As mark of
honour, some of his friends and well wishers have suggested to bringing out of festschrift volume. In this regard, we
have planed to bring out a festschrift volume in his honour on “Electronic Resources Management”.
Therefore you are requested to contribute an article on any one of the areas /
topics listed in the enclosed letter. Kindly inform your title of paper on or
before 15th April 2012 so that we can eliminate any duplication
while selecting the topic level itself. The following are the important dates
for the festschrift volume:
Last date for title of the paper -
15 April 2012
Title confirmation to the contributor -
20 April 2012
Last date for Full paper submission -
15 May 2012
Communicating the paper acceptance - 20 May 2012
Revised Full paper
submission - 30 May 2012
So, you are
therefore earnestly requested to contribute a paper (either research or review)
to this volume. We look forward for your positive response in this regard.
With best regards,
(Prof. C.K. RAMAIAH)
Resources Management
& Sub-topics
Challenges to Electronic Resources
Impact of e-resources on education
and research, life cycle of an E-resource, Analysis of the characteristics
digital documents; Problems in applying rules, etc.
Technological issues in E-Publishing
New initiatives in e-publications
development, multimedia use in e-publications, File formats, trends in e-books
& e-journals publishing, etc.
Standards for Electronic Resources
and Interoperability
Various types of standards in
e-resources; Proprietary standards vs. open standards; Evolution of standards
and descriptive rules
E-Resources Managing Systems (ERMS)
Managing E-resources, Design &
development of ERMS, assessing users’ needs, Return on Investment (ROI) to
funding bodies & users, Preservation & archiving issues; etc.
Electronic Resources for Education
Schools, colleges, universities,
R&D Organisations; Science, Technology & Engineering institutions;
Agricultural & Medical Sciences institutions; Social Sciences &
Humanities institutions; Use of E-Resources for teaching and learning, Distance
education, E-learning, Enterprise applications etc.
Users and Usage of Electronic Resources
Users – perceptions, inhibitions,
attitude, expectations, problems; Use and usability issues; Accessibility
issues; Problems related to E-resources, etc.
Electronic Resources in Libraries
Collection development issues;
Lending issues (user authentication, data encryption, etc); Cataloging of
e-resources; Obsolescence issues; etc.
Digital Rights Management
Rights Transfer; Copyright issues;
Plagiarism and piracy issues; Digital Content Rights management, etc.
Economics of Electronic Resources
Business models for E-Resources;
E-books & e-journals publishers and distributors; Pricing models in
E-Resources; Marketing trends/opportunities in E-Resources; licensing issues;
issues related to publishers, aggregators and booksellers, etc.
************************************************************Dr. Chennupati K. RamaiahMSc (Meerut), MLISc (Delhi), PhD (Loughborough),
& Head, Dept. of Library and Information Science,Pondicherry University, R.V. Nagar, Kalapet,PUDUCHERRY – 605 014. INDIA. Mobile: 9487605773.Email: ; Tel & Fax: 0413-2656757,2656766; Website:*************************************************...
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