Dear all, The 19th issue (Volume 2. issue 3) of CSI eNewsletter dt. 1st Feb 2011 is ready and can be accessed at http://www.csi-chennai.org/csi-enl/csi-enl-2011-02-01.pdf and also at the CSI KM Portal http://www.csi-india.org/web/csi/enewsletter You are free to forward this mail to your contacts who may like the information presented in the mail. For the archives of this newsletter, pl. visit http://www.csi-chennai.org/csi-enl/csi-enl-archives.htm or at http://www.csi-india.org/web/csi/archives With regards HR Mohan Chairman, Div IV, CSI & eNewsletter Committee, IEEE CS Madras Contents ======= -- System Administration Soft Skills -- Virtualization: Blessing or Curse? -- The future of eBooks -- The 11 Drivers of Software Innovation in 2011 -- Book: Invisible Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and Transform Industries by David S. Evans, Andrei Hagiu and Richard Schmalensee -- EMC’s cloud certification: Another way to validate cloud competency -- The Internet of Things -- The rise of the networked enterprise: Web 2.0 finds its payday -- Nine ways to avoid open source pitfalls -- 5 big themes in BI for 2011 -- The business focused CIO: The need of the hour for Indian enterprises -- Indian CIOs open up to open source -- Unified Communications: The new mouthpiece in enterprises -- Why don't firewalls work? -- Make a career in the BPO sector: Post your queries! -- Careers & Courses: Animation & Digital Technology -- ITU Report on “Power of ICTs in tackling climate change” -- French Proverbs -- Great One Liners. -- ICT News Headlines & Briefs -- Announcements -- IT Events: Call for Participation & Call For Papers -- Book: Mechatronics: Integrated Technologies for Intelligent Machines -- Book: Skills Development for Business and Management -- Book: 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know -- Book: Heads You Win Tails You Win -- About the CSI-eNewsletter -- Contributions to CSI-eNewsletter -- eNewsletter Committee InfoQuiz–2011-02-01 (Six Prizes to Win – Four Books and Two Awards of Rs. 500/- each) 1. “m-Paisa” – the mobile banking service is from ------ 2. What is common: Milestone, Flipout, Charm, Quench 3. ------ is a Facebook-style social media application for business from Salsesforce.com 4. The original product name/code name of the popular microblogging service twitter was ------ 5. Identify the company whose tagline is “Power of Simplicity” Email your answers by 13th Feb 2011 to csi.infoquiz@gmail.com with subject “infoquiz-2011-02-01”. Please provide your name, designation, company/institution, full postal address (to send the prize) and the contact phone nos. after the answers. The first person to answer correctly and one randomly selected lucky winner will be awarded Rs. 500/= each by SRA Systems (www.srasys.com). Oxford University Press (http://www.oup.co.in) & Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd (http://www.shroffpublishers.com) will present the books (Mechatronics: Integrated Technologies for Intelligent Machines, Skills Development for Business and Management) whose brief review appear in this issue. In all, there will be SIX prizes – TWO cash prizes of Rs. 500/- each and FOUR prizes of one book each. Answers along with the winner info will be published in the next issue. Answers & Winners of InfoQuiz-2011-01-16 ================================== IBM, Mobile Applications Stores, Nicholas Carr, Micromax, symbolics.com Awards of Rs. 500/= each from SRA Systems to Mr. J.Vijayaraghavan from Chennai and to Mr. Debasis Ghosh from Kolkata Books from Oxford University Press: “Bioinformatics: Databases, Tools and Algorithms (with CD)” to Ms. Arati S. Nayak from Dharwad & “Leadership and Team Building” to Mr. G. Dorababu from Chennai. Books from Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd: “97 Things Every Programmer Should Know” to Mr. G.Vimal Raj from Chennai & “Time Out for Leaders” to Mr. Ravi Kumar from Chennai. -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.