i2010 Digital Libraries - European digitization project FYI Soon after Google announced its plans for Google Print for Libraries,several European countries began discussing the idea of doing the samesort of thing for European resources. There are now some details available about the European project(called "i2010 Digital Libraries"). See Gary Price's Search EngineWatch blog entry for more info: http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/blog/051003-192507 Thanks & Regards Bhojaraju G,Librarian – Knowledge Management, (Sharepoint Administrator)Homepage: http://www.bhojarajug.freeservers.com***************************************... do visit & put your comments on Guest Book"KM Cyberary" @ http://www.bhojarajug.freeservers.com/cyberary.htmlKM-Forum: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/KM-Forum/