Mike Heaney wrote:
From: Mike Heaney
Subject: Call for papers, Library quality, IFLA
conference, Oslo 2005
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 15:14:13 +0000 (GMT
Standard Time)
[Apologies for cross-posting]
Call for papers: Library quality in the
institutional environment, Open
Program sponsored jointly by the IFLA sections
for University and
Research Libraries and for Statistics and
Evaluation at the World
Library and Information Congress / 71st IFLA
Conference, Oslo, 14-18
August 2005.
What is quality for a university library - for a
public library - for a
national library?
This is the first call for papers on the pursuit,
identification and
measurement of quality in all types of libraries.
Papers may be in
English, French, German, Russian or Spanish.
Papers should be no more than
30 minutes in duration.
Proposals for papers (giving title and abstract)
should be submitted to
Sue McKnight (IFLA University and Research
Libraries Section),
sue.mcknight@ntu.ac.uk or Michael Heaney (IFLA
Statistics and Evaluation
Section), michael.heaney@ouls.ox.ac.uk by 15
January 2005. Successful
proposers will be notified by 31 January 2005 and
must supply the full
text of papers by 1 April.
See the congress website at
http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla71/index.htm for
further details of the congress, including
conference fees,
accommodation and travel.
Michael Heaney
Head of Service Assessment & Planning
Oxford University Library Services
Clarendon Building, Bodleian Library
Oxford OX1 3BG UK
Tel +44 (0)1865 277 236
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