=== Submission deadline 15 March 2020 === Title of the Open session: Subject Access and Artificial Intelligence: Enhancing Competencies and Safeguarding Ethics Organized by IFLA Sections "Knowledge Management" & "Subject Analysis and Access" IFLA WLIC, Dublin (Ireland), 15-21 August 2020 - https://2020.ifla.org/ Information and knowledge technologies and AI-based solutions, in particular, may assist or altogether replace manual procedures traditionally developed and performed by trained, educated professionals. Subject access to information and knowledge is particularly exposed to distortion and algorithm-imposed restrictions. It is, therefore, critical for information professionals to evaluate and put forward their own unique set of skills and to formulate important questions in relation to the control that technology may have over our access to information and knowledge. This Open Session provides a platform to discuss issues affecting the core ethical and professional challenges. Papers are invited on a range topics related to subject access and application of AI in the library domain. See details at https://bit.ly/2wcug4E Deadline for abstract proposals (max 400 words) 15 March 2020 Notification of acceptance 1 April 2020 Paper submission deadline 1 June 2020 --------