Dear Professionals,
For your kind information, IIT Kanpur is conducting The First International
Workshop on Radio Frequency Identification and Wireless Sensors on
November 11-13, 2005.
This workshop will cover Invited presentations, covering a wide
spectrum of the
theory, applications, and manufacturing of RFID & Wireless Sensor Technology.
These presentations will provide focus to the discussions that will follow.
- Live demonstrations of important applications of RFID & Wireless Sensor
Technology by different technology & solution providers. These demonstrations
are expected to generate confidence of the workshop attendees in the RFID and
wireless sensor technology.
- Live demonstration of at least one in-house RFID application. Plan to
and complete one RFID application (library automation or inventory management
or automated access) in the institute, ahead of the workshop.
Note: Delegates(all by invitation) participating in the workshop.
You can get more information like RFID suppliers, Download Abstracts of the
talks from ...
With regards,
S. K. Vijaianand
Assistant Librarian,
P.K.Kelkar Library,
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),
Kanpur - 208 016
Ph: 91-512-2596055/ 7223 (Off)
Quoting Yogesh Modi
Dear Professionals,
I would like to know if any one of you are implemented/practicing RFID for circulation in your libraries. I would like to implement RFID in our Library.
with regards,
Yogesh Modi
============================ YOGESH MODI, STA 'B' TIRC, SSPL Ministry of Defence, DRDO Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi - 54 Phone 91-11-23960640 (Off.) ======================
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