Abstract of Thesis
Libraries are the heart of academic institutions. Academic Libraries have and are putting every effort in using computers and IT related advantages to improve library services. Thus their existing heterogeneity in the adoption of technology particularly, library software for automating the activities of libraries was, there for it felt essential to understand, the status of library automation, the software used. Hence the topic of research “A Study of Effective Use of Integrated Library Software in Engineering College Libraries in Karnataka” undertaken by the researcher. Thesis presented in the six chapters, the researcher has given ten recommendations which would be helpful for the engineering libraries to provide better automated services to the user community. The researcher has made comprehensive study, it is deemed true that computer has revolutionized our society and helped us scale greater heights in the evolution cycle. Now, the present study is an attempt for finding out the ways to make use of the available library resources in the best possible manner. No software package can meets all the requirements of a given library system. Inevitably, some compromises will be needed in work flows, input, output and report formats. Customization takes lot of time, by doing that, other problems could arise. Therefore, while choosing the library software it is important to prioritize the requirements and make sure that the chosen software meets most, if not all the high priority requirements.