Yes. Kudos to Librarian Shaheena!
Dr. Vyasamoorthy's statement about pushing other State Assembly Libraries to join the good move, just set me thinking about one more "pushing" that I feel has become very much needed.
Shouldn't any place that has a library have some kind of compulsory usage cum accountability of use, for the users?
Eg - School library / Junior college / Degree college / many offices............
The reality I feel today is that apart from PG / Research based programmes, where the library referencing is a compulsory element, in other places, like the ones I mentioned above, while there is some kind of mandate for the organization to have a library, there appears to be no mandate for the users to use them.
In such cases, except for the motivated people, there is no guarantee of usage. In my BSc days, my Profs told us not to hand over any assignments without referring to at least three books. And believe me, we could not fool them in anyway - they knew the contents of the books we checked out!
I have always been a strong advocate of increasing library usage in many ways in schools. Because that is where the foundation of use (and in turn respect for the library) sets in. I have personally gone and talked about library sc. as a career to some school and college students, with the hope of getting more talented people into the profession. I would like to do much more, but for the pressure of time.
I was very thrilled, when my niece - a 7th Std student of R.B. Academy - Pune showed me a quiz paper that her librarian had set for her class students.
The librarian had done a terrific job of teaching these students several terms - including call no, accn no, book card, encyclopaedia (and lots more lib.sc terms - in more detail than what I had mentioned). I had asked for a copy of that paper and then forgot to follow it up. I will get it again, and with permission from the librarian, I can share it with interested people so that such training could be imparted to all school / college students.
Any more inputs are always welcome.
Vasumathi Sriganesh
Director, QMed Services
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----- Original Message -----
Subject: [LIS-Forum] Jammu & Kashmir Legislative Assembly Library open forStudents & Researchers Dear Friends: Please read the News (extract) below. Kudos to Librarian Shaheena. How about pressurising other State Assembly Libraries to join the good move? Vyasamoorthy, P =================== Library of Assembly open for students http://www.greaterkashmir.com/full_story.asp?ItemID=4069&cat=21 http://www.greaterkashmir.com/full_story.asp?ItemID=4069&cat=21 .........................................