So you want to search the largest bibliographic database in the fieldof Medicne i.e. PubMed. Let me tell you that you need Knowledge ofMeSH for better precision and recall [1] in your search results. The bad news is that MeSH is not easy to learn. But the good news is that US National Library of Medicine hasproduced a 12-minute video on MeSH. It is on development, structureand use of the MeSH vocabulary. This video is available on the NLM Web site in three formats:Macromedia Flash (60MB), Apple QuickTime (100), and Windows Mediaformats (30MB). [So try only if you have a broadband connection] http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/disted/video/ References:1. http://www.hsl.creighton.edu/hsl/Searching/Recall-Precision.html ---Sukhdev Singh, NIC. http://indmed.nic.in http://medind.nic.in http://openmed.nic.in