Dear listed members,
Adding to recent discussion of UGC qualification for the post of Asstt. Librarian in college and university or similar grades in non academic library, UGC NET/SET qualification should be mandatory (according my opinion) to maintain the quality of service and job, NET/SET exams are higher standard in quality, there is no question of partiality and petting towards candidates, the met question papers are set by chosen top most LIS people and evaluation method is similar too. Besides one’s subject knowledge candidates must have general ability to think scientifically and logically to respond an environment judiciously and rationally.
The functional credibility of some of Indian universities is well known to most of us. It is not much difficult to obtain M.Phill / Ph.D degree. In this process always there is nepotism and favoritism prevails.
On other side, there are plenty of evidence people with having first class careers could not qualify LIS all India written tests conducted by various govt. bodies and most of the Govt appointed LIS professionals working in various top level positions are directly appointed on the basis of career and qualification marks.
Since last two decades, there are hearing of dithering between UGC NET/SET relax and mandatory. Knowledge Commission of India is also suggested in favour of essentiality. I think every LIS people should prove their credentials by qualifying highest body exams.