Dear sir/madam,
Very sad to hear the news of Sri L.J. Haravu sir passing away. We were very fortunate to listen to his insightful talks on libraries and technology in many occasions in Mysore. His book on library automation was one of the comprehensive book on the subject. May his soul rest in peace.
------------------------- With best wishes Vasantha Raju N
On Thursday, 5 March, 2020, 02:45:51 pm IST, Meera B. M. wrote:
I am sorry to learn about the sad demise of Dr Haravu who built an image for Library profession.
He was one of the earliest to adopt technology in the library domain.
I met him during his visit to DRTC, while I was working at ISI Library. Although he was quite senior to me, he spoke to me like a friend.
In a way he is responsible if I am in this profession today. After completing graduation, I was looking for options for higher studies.
My sister who had seen the success of Dr Haravu as a Librarian at BHEL R & D, Hyderabad, suggested that I should study Library Science and rest is history. She had seen the respect he was getting among Engineers and others. This is how he had built the image of our profession.
May his soul rest in peace.
डॉ मीरा बी एम /Dr Meera. B. M
पुस्तकाध्यक्ष / Librarian,
रामन अनुसंधान संस्थान / Raman Research Institute,
सर सी वी रामन एवन्यू / Sir C V Raman Avenue,
सदाशिवनगर पोस्ट / Sadashivanagar Post,
बेंगलूरु / Bangalore - 560080
दूरभाष / Ph: 9480836045 / 9844519180
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