Dear Sir/Madam,
I am working professional from IIT Hyderabad. I am conducting a research
study to identify the competencies needed by LIS professionals who work in
engineering college library to affiliated JNTU Hyderabad. Are you working
professional in JNTU affiliated engineering college, please participate in
this online survey!
I would be extremely grateful if you would kindly help me in my research
pursuits by completing the online questionnaire, available here >
The questionnaire will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
I appreciate it if you could fill out the survey by May 30th, 2015.
Finally, thank you very much in taking your valuable time considering
responding to the online questionnaire. Your input is very much
appreciated. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me:
mallikarjunac@iith.ac.in; Mobile: 9494425022
If you have already completed this survey, please ignore
Best Regards,
Suraj Panigrahi
Project Assistant
IITHLibrary http://library.iith.ac.in/*|*IIT Hyderabad*|*PIN-502205*|*
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
|T: 91-040-23016025 *| **E. library@iith.ac.in