<color><param>0100,0100,0100</param>Dear Professional Colleagues: The draft proposal for the starting of a discussion group "IndLibra" to bring all library professionals in India to a common meeting point for effective communication with all stakeholders in LI services is given below. Kindly review it and let us have your valuable comments on this proposal. If you feel something is missing, please feel free to respond. To view the IndLibrary Group, please visit: http://indlibra.myforum.net/ We are awaiting Prof Laxman Rao's response to our request to lead the Ind Libra Group. We hope that he would spare some time to guide the IndLibra project. ___________________________________________<bigger><bigger><bigger> IndLibra<smaller><smaller><smaller> Knowledge and Information are the fountainheads of all-round human development. IndLibras mission is to facilitate free flow of knowledge and information in all directions, wherever it is required and without any discrimination, for the purpose of reducing human suffering and enhancing human capacities. <bigger><bigger>Aim<smaller><smaller> To provide Indian LIS professionals a common communication interface for the purpose of revolutionizing LI services and LIS education throughout India at all levels. IndLibra seeks to bring all Indian LIS professionals serving in various types of libraries such as public, academic and special on a single platform for effective communication among themselves and with all the stakeholders. This network of LIS professionals would act as the change agent to bring about a metamorphosis in Indian LI services. It would also act as a single voice of Indian library profession. <bigger><bigger>Who are the stakeholders?<smaller><smaller> IndLibra is meant to serve the needs of all stakeholders involved in the provision of LI services such as Library users and non-users Librarians LIS teachers LIS students Library suppliers (publishers, distributors, booksellers, manufacturers of equipment, service providers, etc.) Subject experts <bigger><bigger>Objectives<smaller><smaller> 1. To provide a nation-wide, Internet-based Reference/Community Information Services for the general public by offering a SINGLE WINDOW INFORMATION ACCESS POINT. 2. To facilitate resource sharing among various types of libraries all over India through fast and easy provision of information about availability of documents in libraries. 3. To compile a single, comprehensive Database of Indian LIS Professionals/Library & Information Centres covering all types of libraries. 4. To serve as the real-life laboratory for Reference Service courses in Indian LIS schools. 5. To formulate a national research agenda for LIS taking into consideration the needs of all types of libraries. 6. To provide a market place for library suppliers such as publishers, booksellers, equipment manufacturers, service providers, etc., for announcing their new books/journals/equipment/products/services. 7. To encourage library donations from the general public for collection development, construction of library buildings, purchase of ICT equipment, etc. 8. To support establishment of Friends of the Library Groups throughout India. 9. To form a nation-wide panel of subject experts willing to provide, free of cost, subject-related information to the common persons. 10. To build up a strong pressure group comprising of eminent persons from diverse fields to lobby for strengthening of LI services. 11. To enhance the professional image of librarians through active public relations campaigns and provision of proactive and imaginative information services aimed at the common persons. 12. To utilise the entire knowledge base of Indian LIS professionals for meeting the needs of the general public. <bigger><bigger>Who can join?<smaller><smaller> IndLibra is open to all. Any person interested in LI services is free to participate, use and contribute to this group. In the first phase, IndLibra would strive to enlist participation of university librarians and reference personnel working in all Indian universities, IITs, IIMs, librarians of all State Central Libraries and District Central Libraries throughout India, librarians of all government/special libraries, LIS teachers, LIS students, Library Suppliers (Publishers, Distributors, Booksellers, Equipment Manufacturers, Service Providers, etc.), Subject Experts and Library Users (both actual and potential). <bigger><bigger>What IndLibra can do for you?<smaller><smaller> <bold><bigger>1) For the general public</bold><smaller> Searching for a book, journal, article, CD-ROM, AV cassette, film, microform, etc., in an Indian library? Post your request at IndLibra-- your single window service for locating materials in Indian libraries. Through a single message you can check all major libraries throughout India whether a particular document is available or not. The libraries which have this document in their collection would respond to your request. Then, you can get it on inter-library loan by contacting your local librarian or request for a copy of it. Are you looking for information required for your day-to-day living relating to education, health, employment, agriculture, etc.? Send your questions to IndLibra and get replies from the librarians/subject experts all over India. India Libra is your reliable source for all types of community information. Want to buy books, journals, etc.? Librarians can help you in locating publishers, booksellers, etc. Simply post a message at IndLibra. Want to start a Friends of the Library Group in your locality? Just post your message at IndLibra. We will provide detailed help on how to start and successfully manage such a Group for improving library and information services in your neighbourhood. Would you like to serve the society by supporting libraries? Donate liberally to libraries! Your donations could be in the form of valuable books, journals, etc. of your personal collection or cash to support construction of library buildings, purchase of library furniture/equipment, computers, etc. Just send a message to IndLibra indicating what you wish to donate. You would receive responses from the Indian libraries which are willing to accept and make productive use of your donation. You will have a wide choice to select the libraries you wish to support. Your books reach the right library where they are likely to be most used. Searching for best books or recommended books on a particular subject/topic? Would you like to explore books which change lives? Librarians/subject experts at IndLibra would be glad to help you. Just send your query. <bold><bigger>2) For Librarians</bold><smaller> Facilitates resource sharing among Indian libraries. You would be able to know within 24 hours where a particular document is available in an Indian library. IndLibra helps you to locate easily potential library suppliers (of documents/equipment/services, etc.). Just post your library requirements at IndLibra and receive replies from all the suppliers. No more throwing arrows in the dark trying to identify who can supply a particular document or which bookseller has a particular foreign book in his stock. By communicating library requirements to all suppliers through a single posting at IndLibra you would be ensuring equality of opportunity to all of them and this helps your library to clinch the best deals. Enhance your professional image through active participation in provision of LI services at the national level. Participation in IndLibra could be one of your extension service activities. Improving your librarys visibility at the national level is likely to encourage donations from the public for strengthening your collections, services, equipment, etc. <bold><bigger>3) For LIS teachers & students</bold><smaller> Would you like to expose your students to real life examples of reference service? Let them handle live reference queries from all over India at IndLibra. Thinking of strengthening your departmental library/computer laboratory? Place your requirements at IndLibra to encourage donations. Are you a student searching for clarity on a particular theory/concept/topic in LIS? Drop your query at IndLibra to receive replies from eminent LIS teachers. Searching for books in LIS? Cant afford to buy books required for your study/research? Send your request to IndLibra and receive help. <bigger>4) For Library Suppliers (Publishers, Distributors, Booksellers, Manufacturers of equipment, Service providers, etc.)<smaller> Announce your latest books/journals/products/services through IndLibra. Reach the entire Indian librarian community through a single posting at IndLibra and expand your customer base all over India. This is a FREE SERVICE meant for fast dissemination of information relating to all library supplies. IndLibra serves as a market place for all your needs. <bold><bigger>5) For Subject Experts</bold><smaller> Would you like to serve the general public by answering their queries relating to specialized subject areas. Join the IndLibras panel of subject experts and disseminate your knowledge and information for the benefit of Indian masses. IndLibra would evolve as a single-window service for dissemination of knowledge and information in all areas of human endeavour. It would strive to answer every query within 24 hours of its posting. In the initial stages, as over 1000+ library and information professionals, LIS teachers, subject experts, etc., would be available round the clock to serve the users, we hope the response time would be must faster. We welcome one and all to join the IndLibra group to avail and contribute to its services. END ___________________________________________________ Thank you Sincerely T.V. Prafulla Chandra Senior Editor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NISC Export Services Pvt. Ltd. (an affiliate of NISC International, Inc. USA) S-1 Ballad Estates, St.Ann's School Road, Tarnaka, Hyderabad 500 017 Andhra Pradesh, India - Tel:+91 40 27001517 Tel/Fax:+91 40 27002538 WWW.NISC.COM A company in service to NISC worldwide. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------