Dear Professionals, Can any have these article Full text Please send me its need urgent 1.Kanjilal, Uma (2001). Continuing Libraryand Information Science Professional Education Through the Virtual CampusInitiative. In: Woolls, Blanche and Sheldon, Brooke E. (eds.). Delivering LifelongContinuing Professional Education Across Space and Time: The Fourth World Conference on Continuing Professional Education for the LIS Professions. Munchen: Saur. 35-40. 2.Kanjilal, Uma (2002). Developing a Modelfor Web Enhanced Continuing Education Programs for LIS Professionals. In: Ward,Patricia Layzell (ed.) Continuing Professional Education for theInformation Society: The Fifth International Conference on Continuing ProfessionalEducation for LIS Professions. Munchen: Saur. 188 – 195. 3.Sardana, J.L. and Kumar, Krishan (1984).Continuing Education for Teachers of Library and Information Science: ASystems Approach. In: Sardana, J.L. (ed.) Continuing Education for Librarians:Seminar Papers. Delhi: Indian Library Association. 26–31. -- Thanks and Warm Regards Virupaksh. B. H Library and Information Assistant National Library of India, Kolkata-700027 Email Id: *veerulis@gmail.com* * * * * -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.