Announcement from SIS Newsletter SISCOM Vol. 25 No. 1-2, July-September 2004 --------------------- Nomination Invited for SIS Fellowship -------------------------- The Society for Information Science (SIS)awards SIS fellowships every year in recognition of the outstanding contributions made by the SIS members in the areas of information sciences and information technology. Nominations are hereby invited for the award of these SIS Fellowships for the year 2004. Nominations may be sent by individuals, Head of institutions, and university departments SIS Fellows, Life Members of SIS, etc along with complete biodata of the nominee, including his/her main contributions to the field and should reach the Secretary, Society for information Science (SIS)c/o National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies(NISTADS), Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi-110012 by 30 November, 2004. Self-nominations or nominations without bio-data etc will not be considered. ------------------------- Nominations invited for Young Information Scientist ------------------------- The Young Information Scientist Award was instituted in 1989 in memory of Late Shri A. S Raizada who was the prominent information scientist and the founder Secretary of SIS, Nominations are invited for this award for the year 2004. Nominations may be forwarded to the Secretary, SIS by 30 November 2004 by individuals Professors, Head of Departments institutional Heads SIS Fellows, Life members of SIS Head of libraries librarians library officers etc along with complete biodata of the nominee including his contributions to the fields Self Nominations or nominations without biodata will not accepted The age of the nominee should not be more than 35 years on 30 November, 2004. Please send the biodata to the secretary Society for information Sciences (SIS) C/O National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS), Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi-110012 by 30 November, 2004. More details are available at SISCOM Latest issue at http://sis-india.netfirms.com/sis6.htm or SIS website at http://sis-india.netfirms.com/awards.htm These awards will be conferred during SIS-2005 at Andhra University. Visit http://sis-india.netfirms.com/sis2005.htm ----------- Posted by JK Vijayakumar, INFLIBNET __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. www.yahoo.com