From: As per the direction from V P Joy Committee Report on Collge libraries by Government of Kerala (See in the link Department Libraries should be abolished and Centralized all the information resource, make to available for all the students and faculty BAIJU JOY MA MLISc, UGC-NET LIBRARIAN UGC ST STEPHEN'S COLLEGE PATHANAPURAM KERALA 689695 8943155044 Former Senior Research Fellow, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur Former Librarian, School of Computer Science, Mahatma Gandhi University Former Librarian, TMAM Research and Orientation Centre, Kottayam Former Librarian, Dharma jyothi vidyapeeth, New Delhi
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Joseph Zacharia
To: lis-forum Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 10:33 PM Subject: [LIS-Forum] Regarding DEPARTMENT LIBRARIES. Dear professionals,
I would like to know the purpose/relevance of *Departmental library* in academic institution (I am Librarian in a self-financing engineering institution). Kindly provide me the details with the following focus;
Relevance of departmental libraries in comparison with central library
Collection development policy of departmental library
Role of central library in mentoring activities of departmental libraries
General administration setup of the same
Available statutes/documents confirming the above if any
Thanks in advance in sharing your view in the field.
*Chakkalackel (H)*
*Edathua? P O-689 573*
*Alappuzha (Dist.)*
*Mob: +91 9947997767*