1 Oct
1 Oct
8:22 a.m.
Hello, One of the Scientific staff is in need of consultation of below mentioned article. The full text of the article is requested at an earliest convenience. *Holloway, J. D., 2005. The moths of Borneo: Family Noctuidae, subfamily Catocalinae. Malayan Nature Journal, 58(1–4): 1–529. * *Regards,* *Pranit Landge.* *Library & Information Assistant* *Zoological Survey of India* *Western Regional Center,* *Vidyanagar, sector-29,* *Opp. D Y Patil Edu. Complex,* *Rawet Road, Akurdi, Pune- 411044* *Mobile: +91-9561827902* *Phone: +91-20-27651927 (Ext. 209) (O)* -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.