Dear Professionals
Congratulations to Department of Public Libraries, Karnataka. specially Mr.
RS Venkatraj under the guidance of Mr. P.Y. Rajendrakumar, Director, DPL. and
Dr.P.V.Konnur, University librarian, Bangalore University, Bangalore, It is
really fantastic and very use full portal to the urban & rural library
community and all primery and secondray education to get the unreached
information to the common brain (*local to global and global to local*) the
Public library is doing very good work and this is very usefull site for the
rural people to set up their activities towards academic development
of individuals.
On 8/19/07, Nagana Goudar
Dear Professional Colleagues,
Congratulations to Department of Public Libraries, Govt. of Karnataka for having launched the Portal on Karnataka in Kannada entitled " Suvarna Karnataka Kannada Antarjala Vahini (Suvarna Karnataka Portal)" on the occasion of Golden Jubilee Celebration of the formation of Karnataka State. This unique Portal gives various kinds of information about Kannada and Karnataka including Education, Health, Agriculture, Entertainment, Kannada Films and songs, Kannada Literature, Fine Arts, Sports, Cooking, Law, etc. One of the main attraction is Children Section with stories and songs. Although there is lot of scope for improvement in terms design, browse and search options and content organization with still more coverage, being sincere attempt of its kind to give one source for everything about and on Kannada and Karnataka, the group responsible is praise worthy for this wonderful work. This Portal was conceived and developed by Mr. RS Venkatraj under the guidance of Mr. P.Y. Rajendrakumar, Director, DPL.
Please visit the site at: http://www.karnatakapubliclibrary.gov.in/ Then click "Suvarna Karnataka Kannada Antarjala Vahini" Your suggestions and comments are most welcome to e-mail address: * py_kumar@yahoo.co.in
* Dr. I.R.N. Goudar
Dr. I.R.N. Goudar Tel: 91-80-25086081 Sci F & Head, Information Centre for 91-80-25235315 Aerospace Science and Technology Fax: 91-80-25268072 National Aerospace Laboratories E-mail:goudar@css.nal.res.in Airport Road, BANGALORE-560 017 India http://www.icast.org.in/staff/goudar.html
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-- Thanks with regards K. R. Mulla, Librarian, HKBK College of Engineering, # 22/1, Nagawara, Bangalore - 560 045. Karnataka, India. Tel. +91-80-25441722, 25443744 Ext 152 ************************************************************************** Engg-Lib-Forum: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Engg-Lib-Forum/ Home Page: http://krmulla.googlepages.com/ Library: **************************************************************************** -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.