Dear Moderator, Please share the below announcement among the members. *Dear Sir/Madam,* *Greetings from NITK Surathkal, MANGALORE ! * We take this opportunity to thank all the professional friends and colleagues for the *overwhelming response* to paper submission and interest shown to participate in the conference. We have updated the list of ACCEPTED PAPERS on the conference website along with various accommodation options. Eminent speakers from France, USA, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and India will be delivering the keynote addresses and sharing their experience in this mega event. *BEAUTIFUL BEACHES OF SURATHKAL & MANGALORE AWAITS YOUR PARTICIPATION IN* *DigiTTAL 2019* Please visit the conference website at ** for more information. With best wishes, ____________________________________________ *Dr. Mallikarjun Angadi* *Librarian | Central Library * National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal Srinivasanagar MANAGALORE 575 025 Ph: 0824-247 3061 / 4062 | Cell: 9892907384 e-Mail: | URL: Profile: ____________________________________________