The question raised by Mr.Nair is of concern to all the students and I very much appreciate if some one can make the following recommendations to the board: 1. Markslist to Universities (subjectwise) need to be provided, so that students will know which paper they could not clear, out of three. 2. The result of NET exam should be declared before the advertisement is made for the next exam. Some time the results are declared after paying the fee for the next exam. 3. Some statistics about the results need to be provided. It is importnat to know which Dept ( Uni ) is producing the maximum successful candidates, so that other students will try to glance through the syllabus of such universities. 4. Students need to know What is the minimum passing marks, whether it is fixed or relative grading. Right to Information Act may be applied in this case also thanks I.M.Shettar NET aspirant --------------------------------- Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. The question raised by Mr.Nair is of concern to all the students and I very much appreciate if some one can make the following recommendations to the board: 1. Markslist to Universities (subjectwise) need to be provided, so that students will know which paper they could not clear, out of three. 2. The result of NET exam should be declared before the advertisement is made for the next exam. Some time the results are declared after paying the fee for the next exam. 3. Some statistics about the results need to be provided. It is importnat to know which Dept ( Uni ) is producing the maximum successful candidates, so that other students will try to glance through the syllabus of such universities. 4. Students need to know What is the minimum passing marks, whether it is fixed or relative grading. Right to Information Act may be applied in this case also thanks I.M.Shettar NET aspirant http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylc=X3oDMTFqODRtdXQ4BF9TAzMyOTc1MDIEX3MDOTY2ODgxNjk... Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.