Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 18:57:58 +0530 (IST)
From: B sundar
Dear friends.
Pls Inform all LIS Professionals & Teachers & Research Scholars
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Date : 4th - 6th April 2009
Organised by
The Thanjavur Maharaja Serfoji’s Sarasvati Mahal Library and Research
Venue : Sangeetha Mahal, Palace Complex, Thanjavur
Objective :
To discuss and evolving a common solution for uniform and proper
conservation technique to the multifarious problems faced in preservation
in the libraries.
Topics :
Problems of Manuscript and book conservation
Traditional and Modern methods of conservation.
Proper storage and other management procedures
Digitization of manuscripts
Microfilming vis-à-vis digitization
Restoration and conservation etc.,
Development and new techniques of future libraries.
Registration :
Participants are required to pay a registration fee of Rs.500/- The
Registration fee is to be paid as crossed Demand Draft in favour of
Director, T.M.S.S.M. Library and Research Centre, Thanjavur.
Each Participant has to fill up a separate Registration form. The
Registration fee covers seminar papers, kits working lunch, local visit
etc. Moderate accommodation will be arranged.
Call of Papers:
Authors are invited to contribute papers on the main theme for
presentation in the seminar. Accepted papers / Abstracts will be published
as proceedings of the conference. The paper for presentation should not be
more than six (A4) pages and font 12 points in times new roman, 1.5 line
spacing with softcopy in floppy or CD in MS word format on the main theme
for presentation. The last date to receive the completed application with
synopsis of papers will be 20th March and last date for full paper will be
30th March 2009. The application may be sent to
The administrative officer,
T.M.S.S.M Library and Research Centre,
A local visit will be arranged on the last day of the seminar.
The Seminar arrangement are being made under the direction of
The District Collector and Director
T.M.S.S.M Library and Research Institute,
Thanjavur 613 009
Organising Secretary
Thiru sami. Sivagnanam
Administrative officer
Organising Committee:
1.Dr. Perumal ., Conservator and Librarian Gr I (i/c)
2. Smt. K. Ramathilagam, Librarian Gr II
3. Dr.S.Sudharsan, Librarian Gr II
4. Smt. Rajalakshmi, Sanskrit Pandit
5. Dr. A. Veeraraghavan, Sanskrit pandit
For other details contact
Thiru sami. Sivagnanam
The Administrative Officer
T.M.S.S.M library and Research Centre
Thanjavur 613 009.
Ph: (04362) 233568 , 234107
Email : tmssmlib@sancharnet .in
Dr. Perumal, 9442401129.
Dr.S.Sudharsan 9442347147
Name (Prof/Dr/Mr/ Mrs)_____ _________ _________ _
Designation ____________ _________ _________ _____
Organisation_ _________ _________ _________ ________
Mailing Address_____ _________ _________ _________ __
Pin Code________ _________ _________ _________ ____
Email_______ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
Fax_________ ______ Phone_______ _________ _________
Mobile no._________ _________ _________ _________ ____
Are you presenting a paper Yes /No
If yes, Title of the Paper
Accommodation required: Yes / No
Registration Fee details
DD No.
Bank :
Date Signature