On 6/28/12, Arup Raychaudhury
1. Does anyone out there use the acquisitions function of KOHA 3.6/3.8?
In Koha you need to mention build number also to confirm certain feature. For example in 3.6 series the build 3.6.5 is maintenece release and in 3.8 series the stable is 3.8.2. In 3.8.1 acquisition module is giving problem during receiving of item and the error immediately rectified in 3.8.2. So if something is not working in a partcular build please report in Koha forum or wait for the next build to check the issue.
2. Can it handle irregular serials and standing book orders (i.e. serials and books that are released on unknown intervals)?
Yes. true for both the cases with predictive serial receiving mode.
3. When an item is on order, does it appear in OPAC with appropriate message?
An ordered item is also available for searching (both in OPAC ansd Staff interfaces). But not with the message "Ordered item" or "Available soon under acquistion" etc. A good point to inform in Koha forum to include the appropriate message in OAPC.
4. How do you receive multiple copies (by range of barcode no./ individual barcode no)?
>>>> In Acquisition also Koha follows FRBR model. Means you can enter all copy related info (item information from location to accession number) for individual item for a group of items.
5. Does it verify availability of a title against OPAC and on-order file before allowing placing order?
>>>>>> No. Not automatically. Librarian need to go for a search either in staff interface (search catalogue) or from OPAC. Again a good suggestion for forwarding in Koha 3.10.
6. How do you verify availability of a suggested title (suggested by the member from OPAC)?
Yes. Member can suugest titles from OPAC only after authenticated logging. The suggestion appreas as a list in Acqusition module. But you need to check the availability of suggested titles in dataabse manually. A link to check the vailability (i.e. searching catalogue database through a title-ISBN combined search) may help.
7. How good is Serial Module?
Fiancial management is poor (possibly because in foreign countries the fianancial transactions are done by the back office not by the library) but bibliographic management (Kardex, reminder, predictive mode of serials control, MARC 21 based serials data, link with the authority data, report generation, routing, back issues management etc.) are excelent and based on globally agreed-upon standards.
-- Arup Raychaudhury Indian Statistical Institute 203 BT Road Kolkata 700108. INDIA Phone: 91-33-2575-2106 Fax: 91-33-2578-1412
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