Inderscience have just launched two new journals: International Journal of Information and Computer Security (IJICS) http://www.inderscience.com/browse/ijics http://www.inderscience.com/browse/ijics The IJICS aims to promote and coordinate developments of information and computer security in the fields of information technology, political science, informatics, sociology, engineering and science. IJICS publishes papers representing synergy between theory and practices to help policy makers and executives manage information and computer security and its related technologies. Content available by subscription. Abstracts available online. Articles available in HTML and PDF format. Current Issue: Volume 1 No 1/2 2007 International Journal of Environment and Health (IJEnvH) http://www.inderscience.com/ijenvh http://www.inderscience.com/ijenvh The IJEnvH is a fully-refereed scientific journal that provides an international forum for the exchange of information and the advancement of knowledge in the multidisciplinary field of Environment and Health. The aim of the IJEnvH is to stimulate the discussion and communication among scientists, researchers and experts with different background and expertise, involved, at different levels, with the study of environment and health problems. Content available by subscription. Abstracts available online. Articles available in HTML and PDF format. Current Issue: Volume 1 No 1 2007 For additional information and a sample copy, contact: Mr. Jim Corlett Inderscience Enterprises Email: support@inderscience.com Roddy MacLeod MA, DipLib, MCILIP Senior Subject Librarian Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS Tel (0131) 451 3576 Fax: (0131) 451 3164 R.A.MacLeod@hw.ac.uk mailto:R.A.MacLeod@hw.ac.uk http://www.hw.ac.uk/libwww/libram/roddy.html