Please find below details of a one-day in-depth workshop on
Digital Library software, organized on 26th April 2003. We regret
for the
short notice. Originally planned as a local programme, we decided to
make it
open in response to requests from several professionals. We hope this
will be found useful.
(The Alumni Association of NCSI, IISc) is pleased to announce
A one-day
in-depth awareness programme on
The Greenstone Digital Library Software
26th Saturday 2003
Venue: National Centre for Science
Information (NCSI), Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore.
9.00 AM to
5.30 PM (Registration: 8.30 AM)
About GSDL:
The Greenstone Digital
Library Software (GSDL) is rapidly emerging as a
leading software for
developing and distributing digital library
collections. Greenstone
provides a new way of organizing information and
publishing it on the
Internet or on CD-ROM. It is produced by the New
Zealand Digital Library
Project at the University of Waikato, and developed
and distributed in
cooperation with UNESCO and the Human Info NGO. It is
freely available,
open-source software, issued under the terms of the GNU
General Public
License. The aim of the software is to empower users,
particularly in
universities, R&D libraries, and other public service
institutions, to
build their own digital libraries.
About this workshop:
workshop will cover the latest version of GSDL (2.39) and will
extensive practical demonstrations of its various features, including
- Overview of GSDL software
- Installation and
- Collection building and configuration
- Search and
- Interface customization and multilingual support
publishing and administration
At the end of the workshop you will be in a
position to make informed use of
GSDL and develop your own digital library
NCSI staff, having extensive practical
experience with GSDL, will conduct
the training programme. NCSI has been an
early adopter of GSDL in India and
has been involved in beta testing of the
software and has already conducted
a successful national level workshop on
this topic during 15.4.2002 to
20.4.2002. See for example:
NISSAT-NCSI Workshop on Developing Digital Libraries using Open
Software ( and
- Demo Digital Library Collections
Built at NCSI Using Greenstone Digital
Library Software (
Workshop fee:
Rs. 500/- (Rs.
Five hundred only). This will include CD-ROM containing
latest version of
GSDL (version 2.39) and e-version of the workshop
material, working lunch and
coffee. Please note that outstation participants
have to make their own
arrangements for accommodation.
The workshop is
limited to 25 participants on a first-cum-first served
basis. Intimate your
participation by e-mail, latest by 23rd April
(Wednesday). This
intimation will be taken as your confirmation to
participate. Include
the following details: Your name, designation,
official address, and contact
details. You can pay the registration fee at
the time of registration on 26th
April (Saturday). Please send participation
details to one of the following
NCSI-NET coordinators:
Ms. K. Venkatalakshmi (
Mr. B.S. Shivaram (