---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [BOAI] colLib - organizing Open Access documents in LIS
From: "Magnus Enger"
Date: Fri, September 9, 2005 3:40 pm
To: SCHOLCOMM@ala.org
*** Apologies for cross-posting! ***
Wouldn't it be nice to have a subject-gateway to all the LIS-related
documents that can be found in Open Access repositories? Would you like to
collaborate on organizing them?
As part of my ongoing masters-degree in "Science of documentation" at the
University of Tromsø, Norway, I have created colLib - a prototype of a
system for organizing and finding documents that are available in Open
Access repositories: http://collib.info/
New metadata are "harvested" daily from open repositories - the newest
"records" are available here:
All the repositories that are harvested are related to "Library and
Information Science" - a list of them is available here:
Metadata are organized through "tags". A tag can for example represent a
subject - here is an overview of the subjects that are represented as of
today: http://collib.info/index.php/Category:Subjects
Tags can also represent other organizing categories, like geography and
names of projects and services - here is an overview of the categories so
far: http://collib.info/index.php/Category:Top
* My colLib
If you register as a user of colLib, you can click "watch" at the top of
most pages in colLib and have them added to "My colLib", which is your
personal "bookshelf" in colLib. This page will give you a list of
categories, subjects and posts that you would like to keep an eye on,
remember or have easy access to.
To register:
My colLib:
A RSS 0.91-feed for the newest records is available here:
You will also find a link to RSS-feeds for the records that are connected
with each tag on the page for that tag.
See the article "RSS For Non-Techie Librarians" by Steven M. Cohen for
more on RSS: http://www.llrx.com/features/rssforlibrarians.htm
* You can contribute!
colLib is based on the fact that anyone can contribute to organizing the
records. When you look at a post you will allways find a link marked
"Click here to add/edit tags". Clicking here will give you the opportunity
to change the old tags and/or add new ones. You will find some more
information on how to do this here:
Another way to contribute is to upload documents you have created to one
of the repositories that are harvested by colLib.
* Feedback is very welcome. You can send an e-mail to magnus@enger.priv.no
or add a comment here: http://collib.info/index.php/ColLib:Feedback
Magnus Enger
Magnus Enger
Bibliotekar / Librarian
Høgskolen i Bodø / Bodø Regional University
Biblioteket / The Library
N-8049 BODØ
Norge / Norway