Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 08:06:03 +0530
From: Subbiah Arunachalam
I received this in the mail from a discussion list I belong to. You may find
it useful.
New Center of Digital Knowledge for Public Health Brings Latest Research to
April 13, 2004
SLU Receives $400K Donation From Sun Microsystems
ST. LOUIS -- Do patients always benefit from the latest scientific research
and medical discoveries? The alarming answer is "no," says the dean of Saint
Louis University School of Public Health.
"It takes an average of 17 years to introduce newly discovered, effective
clinical interventions in routine patient care, " said Dr. E. Andrew Balas.
"The latest research results and medical discoveries are released so rapidly
that health practitioners cannot learn and implement the new information
fast enough."
As a solution to this problem, the Saint Louis University School of Public
Health will establish a new Center of Digital Knowledge for Public Health.
This center will provide computer resources to assist key people in health
care concerned about public health issues. It also will assist in disease
surveillance, and provide access to a public health digital library and
interactive digital resources for public health practitioners. The center
will offer training opportunities in public health informatics, a science
concerned with the gathering, manipulation, and storage of recorded health
knowledge. Future public health leaders as well as current professionals
will be able to take advantage of these opportunities.
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