I was shocked to hear about the very sad news. I was in touch with him till recently. I pray God to keep his soul in eternal peace.Om Shanti. K.N.Prasad 9880529534 On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 1:18 PM Padmanabha Vyasamoorthy < vyasamoorthy@gmail.com> wrote:
MNS, a Great librarian. It was after visiting his library and talking to him that I started organising Reports and Pamphlets collection in IDL Technical Library. He impacted everyone who came into his orbit. Dr P Vyasamoorthy / 9490804278
On Tue, 25 May 2021 at 12:10, Poornima Narayana < poornima.narayana@gmail.com> wrote:
The shocking demise of Sri. M N Seetharaman, popular as MNS, has left the LIS community devoid of a dynamic n great visionary.. MNS , a personality with many accomplishments n credits to the L&IS profession built an Art of the Center Information Center @ NAL of International repute starting with 3 almirahs of documents to the 2nd biggest n exhaustive Library in the country, perhaps next only to IISc... A great visionary, he implemented IT applications in day to day service functions way back in 70s..ESA Online retrieval databases , Italy; DIALOG databases, USA, etc.. He initiated SDI based profile construction services, a highly popular one with the NAL scientists...Thanks to his rapport and camaraderie with the Management Council at NAL, he could achieve to take it to great heights @ the center... He was a voracious reader n kept himself updated in all spheres of knowledge...He was a spontaneous extempore person on any given topic at any time.. Besides his professional reputation, on the personal front he was a very lively n joyful person by nature, very active always on his toes..Seldom he used to get angry although he was a hard taskmaster.. A very pious n religious person with proficiency in Sanskrit ( he was editing articles in a Sanskrit journal), he kept himself engaged till the last day .. One can write an encyclopedia depicting all his achievements n accomplishments..Such was the personality n LEGEND Sir MNS was... I being a beneficiary of his guidance, inspiration, motivation n above all his greatness being a human offer my NAMANA n PRANAM to him... May your Aatman attain shanthi n Sadagati.. Om Shanthi 🙏🙏
Dr. Poornima Narayana , Fulbright Scholar Ex Head, Information Center (ICAST) CSIR NAL Bangalore
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