Special Issue on Dr. S.R., Ranganathan - Informatics Studies- Papers Invited. Informatics Studies is a platform for discussing the emerging trends in theory and application of Information Science and is entering its fifth year of publication. The journal focuses on interdisciplinary and international perspectives on Informatics. Priority areas are studies on ICT application for narrowing the digital divide, language technology for regional languages, which is crucial for Asian and African countries for reaching the un reached. It also also published studies on scientists who laid foundations of Library and Information Science like Patrick R Penland and Earnest J Mann etc with selected papers by them and also a special issue on Eugene Garfield within three years of the journal’s forays into LIS research publishing. The year 2017 is the Quasquicentennial year of Sri S R Ranganathan. He is considered as the leading light of library and information science even today. With the development of ICT and its enormous influence in all areas of library science, it has become a fashion everywhere to sideline Ranganathan studies. But serious researcher can see that the concepts and techniques enunciated by him stands test of the time and remainslive in the ever changing informatics field and society. His works acted as the foundation of the Information Management of the yesteryears, Knowledge Management of the modern-day and shall continue showing light to the future dispensations. They still remain a source to the practical and theoretical solutions for policies, plans and programmes, innovations, services, systems, networks, etc. Informatics Studies would like to commemorate his contributions to LIS profession by publishing a special volume at the end of the Quasquicentennial year. Scholars are requested to contribute papers on SR Ranganathan’s life and work correlating with the current developments in the KMt scenario for the Quasquicentennial Memorial issue to be published as Volume 5(1) in January 2018. Journal can be accessed at and articles can be uploaded at informaticsstudies.in or can be e-mailed to the editor@informaticsstudies.in as MS Word file attachment. Last date of submission is 15nth December 2017. Dr. M Jayapradeep and Dr. R.. Raman Nair, For Editors, Informatics Studies -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.