Dear LIS Friends, In these days, the very existence of libraries are coming under threats of extinction. To stay relevant, connected and committed to the cause of the user community; IFLA has formulated a GLOBAL Vision. Please strengthen it by your support. Vote for it today. This is a gentle reminder that if you have not yet voted for *IFLA Global Vision*, please *vote now* since only a few days are left to have your say and Supporting documents: "Watch this video: https://vimeo.com/233481804 and see how easy it is to take part! Step 1: Go to: https://globalvision.ifla.org/vote Step 2: Select your preferred language Step 3:* Vote!* You’ve got *only 6 questions* to answer. It will take just *5 minutes* and then your voice will be heard! Get on board! This is our unique chance to contribute and influence the future of the library field.” Please circulate this TODAY with all your professional friends and LIS mailing lists. With Regards, *Susmita* ------------------------------------------------ *Susmita Chakraborty, PhD* *Secretary: Standing Committee, Education & Training Division, IFLA * Associate Professor, Dept. of Lib. & Inf. Sc, University of Calcutta, India Visiting Academic (2015), University College London (Commonwealth Fellow) *Editor: IFLA SET Bulletin; *Facebook: *https://www.facebook.com/susmita.India https://www.facebook.com/susmita.India* Skype: *Susmita.In; **Twitter: Susmita_Kolkata; Delicious Id:@susmitaindia, * *Publications: **http://caluniv.academia.edu/SusmitaChakraborty http://caluniv.academia.edu/SusmitaChakraborty* *Recent Book: *Collaboration in International and Comparative Librarianship, IGI-Global, USA, 2014 at *http://www.igi-global.com/book/collaboration-international-comparative-libra... http://www.igi-global.com/book/collaboration-international-comparative-libra...* *PhD, MA (English, Calcutta University), MLibSc (Gold Medalist, Cal. Univ.), Masters in Digital Library Mgmt, Associate in Inf. Sc. (INSDOC, CSIR, Govt of India), * *Certificate in Italian and Computer Science, Certificate in Online Education Policies (ADBI, Tokyo) * -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.