Dear colleagues LIS-Bibliometrics Conference 2024
I am delighted to announce that the call for papers for our LIS-Bibliometrics Conference 2024, “Exploring The Bibliometric Universe”, is now open!
Key Dates
28th June 2024: Call for proposals
28th July 2024: Deadline for submissions
Mid-August 2024: Submitters notified of acceptance of full presentation, 24×7, workshop, poster, and developer track proposals
12th September 2024: LIS-Bibliometric conference
The theme for the LIS-Bibliometrics conference is “Exploring the Bibliometric Universe”. Our conference wishes to explore the ways that bibliometrics is being used in the wider academic universe, and to help those who use bibliometric tools to navigate that universe.
We particularly welcome proposals aligned to the overall theme, but also on other administrative, organisational, and especially ideas on practical sessions related to bibliometrics. We are interested in the following sub-themes:
However, we welcome all interesting ideas within our theme, and so have an open sub-theme for those who feel their idea doesn’t clearly fit into those outlined above.
Submission guidance
The deadline for submissions is Tuesday 23rd July 2024.
Please find attached a document outlining the categories of submission, and a proposal template for submissions. Submissions can be made via Oxford Abstracts here: All submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated according to various criteria, including quality of content, significance, originality, and thematic fit. The program committee makes the final decisions on inclusion in the conference. If you would like to volunteer to be a reviewer, please contact the organising committee at
Best wishes
Lambodara Parabhoi
Indian Institute of Advanced Study
Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla-171005