They are all DIRECTORIES.
J-Gate ( is THE ONLY product that has article
level metadata for all these online available regular open access journals.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Subbiah Arunachalam"
To: ; "c3net" ;
Cc: "Prabir G. Dastidar" ; "Subbiah Gunasekaran"
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 8:43 AM
Subject: [LIS-Forum] A new directory of OA journals
Here is a message from Prof. Peter Suber on a new directory of OA journals.
A new, larger list of OA journals
Jan Szczepanski, a librarian at Sweden's Goteborg University, has been
collecting links and information on OA journals for years. While the DOAJ
lists 1,625 OA journals (today), Jan's collection lists 3,759 current OA
journals and 608 historic, retrodigitized OA journals (today). Until now,
his collection was not available online. But with his permission, I've
posted Jan's files to my site for all to use or download. It was not
possible to convert them to HTML, but they should be usable in their present
forms. If your browser will not display the files, you should be able to
download them.
Jan's list is larger than the DOAJ list in part because the DOAJ is working
through a backlog, in part because Jan has focused especially on the
humanities, and in part because Jan is willing to list journals that are not
peer reviewed. Jan would like to be in contact with other librarians
willing to collect and share new OA titles. His email address is
Note that these files only represent Jan's collection as of June 27, 2005.
He enlarges it continuously, and I won't be able to re-post every update to
the files. But I will work with him to find another way to circulate the
Current OA journals
(A large Word file, 3.48 MB.)
Historic or retrodigitized OA journals
(An Excel spreadsheet, 315 KB.)
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