DEAR FRIENDS AND SENIOR ACADEMIC FRIENDS I am happy to inform you that POTTI SREE RAMULU TELUGU UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD selected me for giving the PARVATANENI GANGADHAR RAO MEMORIAL AWARD for the recognition of services rendered in the field of LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE. This award will be given on 31 Aug 2009 at 6. 00 pm at The POTTI SREE RAMULU TELUGU UNIVERSITY Auditorium, Hyderabad. I thank the University authorities especially Prof Bhoomaiah, Vice Chancellor of the University for selecting me for this award. I feel it is the support, kindness and best wishes of all my professional and academic friends given to me from time to time has resulted in getting this award. I thank all my friends and senior colleagues for their continuous guidance and support, with best regards LAXMAN RAO Prof. N.LAXMAN
RAO, UGC- EMERITUS PROFESSOR, Dept of Library & Information Science, Osmania University, HYDERABAD- 500 007 (INDIA) President, Association of British Scholars (Hyderabad Chapter) |