Dear Friends, I would like to challenge Manoj Kumar opinion regarding UGC NET exam. How it is possible to measure one's teaching ability merely through objective questions? Ans: Descriptive exam mode is not the apt tool to evaluate teaching skill. To test teaching skill, UGC has to conduct practical class room teaching test in-front of students. Teaching posts are very few in LIS. Librarian job is considered as a professional one and need skill set. For the selection of library professionals objective mode is good. Objective mode is enough to test a candidates practical knowledge base. But questions should follow the standard. It should not be cut and paste from LIS guides. Great teachers in LIS are not UGC NET holders. In my knowledge, lot of senior good teachers in LIS without UGC NET has been successfully sharing knowledge to students. In our knowledge, Dr. S.R. Ranganathan had not qualified any NET type competitive exam conducted by UGC. But he was a successful teacher. The same way lot of good teachers still in service without NET. The only advantage of this mode is that the paper valuation will be done fastly and easily. Ans: This is one of the great disadvantage or curse of this exam. In certain extent, objective mode can make the UGC NET exam transparent. Regards, -- Vimal Kumar V. Mahatma Gandhi University Library Kottayam, Kerala- 686 560 Web: http://www.vimalkumar.org Blog: http://linuxhalwa.blogspot.com http://kohageek.blogspot.in --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I forget what I was taught. I only remember what I have learnt" -Patrick White -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.