Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 18:07:44 +0530
From: M.P.Tapaswi
Shri Saiful's topic is interesting.
Indexing of articles though expensive individually, is essential
especially for the developing countries as this data is hardly covered by
the reputed indexing services. The 'value' of the service is known only
when somebody is searching something that is not available on other
databases and you possess it. This goes with sustained efforts of adding
latest info and making it known to a larger user community.
The cooperative solutions should come forward to make this activity more
competent. We participate in the ASFA (Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries
Abstracts) and have been benefited much by way of returns, learning and
adhering to international quality and international links that benefit in
other activities such as resource sharing, etc. Participate in global
activities like this and also parallaly develop your own databases with
similar standards with something that the international database does not
possess (archival references, indexing of grey literature, etc.).
With warm regards,
Murari P Tapaswi, NICMAS, National Inst Oceanography, Dona Paula 403 004
Goa, India
Phone: 91-(0)832-2450 275 (Direct), -2450 450(EPBX); Fax: 91-(0)832-2450